Contar, escribir, no callar... Un blog para que esta historia no solo sea una telenovela mía, un blog para compartir la historia de mis equivocaciones...
"Quiero ser mi propia obra de arte. O desastre, no importa. Pero mía."
O desastre, no importa.
Pero mía.”
- Psicotinta. (via psicotinta)
"If life knocks you down, roll over and look at the stars."
- Doreen Virtue
bonnificent:Published by Ilona Boniwell in her acclaimed...
Published by Ilona Boniwell in her acclaimed book, Positive Psychology in a Nutshell (2006) – I just prettified a little :P Dr. Boniwell gave a delightful introductory TED talk about the field of positive psychology, titled Educating for Happiness and Resilience. I love seeing how various positive psychology concepts are interrelated.
How to Build Emotional Resilience
1. Talk to someone: Sharing how we feel helps to reduce the inner tension (but make sure it is someone who cares about your feelings).
2. Work on improving your self-esteem: Self-esteem is the way you see and feel about yourself … and there are lots of lots of things that undermine our self esteem. For example, experiencing a break up, putting on unwanted weight, doing badly on a test or being excluded by our friends. It’s important that we keep on working on our self-esteem by treating ourselves well and noticing when we succeed (instead of noticing the negatives).
3. Manage your stress levels: If we’re always feelings stressed then it’s hard to cope with life. We tend to over react and have a negative mind set … which drains us of our energy and saps our will to fight. So take a look at your lifestyle and see what you can drop. You may be doing too much, and don’t have time to relax.
4. Make the time and effort to enjoy yourself: Doing things that we enjoy helps to improve the way we feel. So build in little things like having coffee with a friend, or going to a game, or taking time to watch some sports.
5. Choose a healthy life style: Pay attention to your diet and how much you exercise; try to limit alcohol, and don’t deprive yourself of sleep.
6. Develop good relationships: Do your friends make you happy? Do you enjoy their company? Are they kind of people with your best interests at heart? Do they treat you with respect and help to boost your self-esteem? If not, then work on finding new relationships!
"All grown-ups were once children… but only few of them remember it."
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
(via naturaekos)
"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none."
- William Shakespeare, All’s Well That Ends Well
(via naturaekos)
fairylightsandcozynights: fairy lights & cozy nights |...
mapsontheweb: What if European countries were formed based on...
What if European countries were formed based on genetics instead of ethnicities.
Related: Predominant Haplogroups in Europe
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Map of Dinétah (Navajo Nation)
Land expansion 1933